A picture in the documentary that I felt most connected to was the Greek icon. Growing up I always attended church with my family. I am Greek Orthodox and would attend St. Sophia's church. I am very familiar with that icon as it was in the altar, and was painted on the ceiling. From 9am to 1pm I would be in church and Sunday school. I could not have sleepovers on Saturday nights because I would have to be up for church the next day. I always remember waiting to get out so I could go hang out with my friends after. If I was not going to see my friends I would be going to breakfast with my grandparents after. Around Greek Easter, we would have a holy week. Some nights I would have to miss lacrosse or soccer practices for church. There were even times when I had to go to late-night services and be there till 2 a.m. My friends and I would sneak sour patch kids into the altar so we could snack throughout the night.
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